Beautiful weather to.. install some Aqua-Flora®!
- Published on Wednesday 10 July 2019
Ideal planting season!
Planting season has arrived, for a little while now actually. When the temperature rises above 10 degrees celsius, the roots and rhizomes shoot into the soil. Which of course immediately protects the banks from eroding (further). One of the main arguments for choosing Aqua-Flora® in the first place. Spring would be the ideal period, but these days, we also place a lot of nature friendly banks. Keeping in mind that plants grow when it’s above the earlier mentioned 10 degrees, it’s almost possible to install these materials all year through. When it’s bellow 10 degrees, the materials need a little help staying in the right place, like our wooden pegs, which we use for our Aqua-Flora® mats. One exception, when it’s freezing outside, we can’t get our materials out of the bassins. So it’s not possible to install any of these products.
Of course there’s a guarantee. We believe in our materials! We guarantee, in two years after instalment, the Aqua-Flora® materials will not show any signs of defect. Furthermore, within two years, the coverage will be at least 90% or more. Growing defects caused by: a lack of light or humidity is not covered! This also applies to: excessive algae growth, incorrect water depth, litter, trampling by water fowl/ dogs/people. Also water fowl are known to pull out (and eat) the plants. This brings us to the following..
Spring is also a very populair season for waterbirds. We like waterbirds. What we don’t like, is that these birds eat our plants, pull them out, or defecate all over them. This is not very helpful for the growing process. They can do a lot of damage to our freshly installed Aqua-Flora® materials. Surely we have the solution. We always recommend to place an anti- waterbird construction. Consisting of bamboo and a mesh netting to keep those birds in a safe distance. Definitely worth the investment, when you think about what it’s going to cost when you have to replant the materials, or even replace them all together. We make sure to place the construction right after we place the materials, for optimal protection.
In case the materials are placed in (approx.) the first half of the year, you can expect beautiful results the very same year. When installed later on in the year, say fall, you may definitely expect those results no later than spring the following year. Check out the pictures below, taken in various periodes.
From left to right
Aqua-Flora® mats in Den Haag, van Baaklaan, installed end of April 2019
Aqua-Flora® rolls in Rotterdam, Zwaanhalskade, installed spring 2016
Aqua-Flora® Floatlands in Rotterdam, Pr. Alexander polder, installed October 2018